Educational information, My Working Methods Wax Steam Outs June 22, 2022 Delores Taylor Leave a comment WAX STEAMER SET UP Supplies: 1. Disposable Turkey aluminum Roster Pan.2. Disposable Lasagna aluminum pan3. Sturdy Plastic or Metal Tube set on slats (1/4 to 1/2 inch)4. Sturdy Grate (such as an irrigation cover)5. Galvanized sheet thin enough to cut a hole so the steam hose can be directed into the mold.6. Wax Cast Investment Mold ready to steam out7. Towel to wrap around the mold and help reduce air leaks8. A stick to pock the wax melting from the mold to keep the wax flowing out of the mold.9. Wall paper steamer. Most supplies come from a hardware store. The aluminum pans come from a grocery store.